"3.8.2 (created: 2014/02/13 23:52:43) " To compatible with some pluins, and bugs " Keep Firefox at the version of (50.0) 55.0 " And TabTree 1.5.1 cd ~ set tabnumbers let mapleader = ',' cmap cmap cmap cmap nnoremap j 6j nnoremap k 6k nnoremap h gT nnoremap l gt nnoremap H nnoremap L nnoremap j nnoremap k nmap nmap J nmap K nmap h :help "nmap b :bmarks! -tags nmap , :source ~/.vimperatorrc nmap x : "noremap set "editor=/usr/local/bin/mvim --remote-silent" source! .vimperatorrc.local " vim: set ft=vimperator: imap cmap cmap jj nnoremap B b nnoremap b :bmarks! -tags nnoremap e b set gui=nonavigation ":tab addons ":tab downloads ":tab extoptions ":tab help ":tab javascript! ":tab preferences! " noremap noremap v " fix the issue on firefox49 history not working, https://github.com/vimperator/vimperator-labs/issues/590 " js services.services.autoCompleteSearch.class_="@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete" " js services.services.autoCompleteSearch.class_="@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete" "https://github.com/vimperator/vimperator-labs/issues/740 "set activate= "nmap t :open "nmap t :open set focuscontent set hintchars=asdghklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmfj "set maxitems=30 nnoremap g1 :tabn 1 nnoremap g2 :tabn 2 nnoremap g3 :tabn 3 nnoremap g4 :tabn 4 nnoremap g5 :tabn 5 nnoremap g6 :tabn 6 nnoremap g7 :tabn 7 nnoremap g8 :tabn 8 nnoremap g9 :tabn 9 nnoremap g0 :tabn 0 imap