2017-09-15 Peng LiEmacs - Some key in help-mode and man-mode
2017-09-15 Peng LiEmacs - Some bindings
2017-09-15 Peng LiVimperator - rollback to old version to fix some issues
2017-09-15 Peng LiHammerspoon, make finder in the front
2017-09-14 Peng LiEmacs - Add some bindings
2017-09-14 Peng LiHammmerspoon - add windowmax toggle hotkey
2017-09-14 Peng LiEmacs Dired mode
2017-09-13 Peng Lifix hammerspoon hotkey conflict
2017-09-13 Peng LiEmacs - compile command
2017-09-13 Peng Lievil - re-construct the code
2017-09-13 Peng LiHammerspoon, Add MouseCircle, Seal, TextClipboardHistor...
2017-09-12 Peng LiHammerspoon - add SpoonInstall extenstion
2017-09-12 Peng Lihammerspoon - add window resize hotkey
2017-09-12 Peng Lidisable tab for c mode
2017-09-12 Peng Liemacs - Disable fringe mode
2017-09-12 Peng LiEmacs - modify the default face of search highlight
2017-09-11 Peng LiFix two scroll auto recenter
2017-09-11 Peng Lievil -binding
2017-09-11 Peng Lievil-matchit enable
2017-09-11 Peng Lihammerspoon - init lua
2017-09-11 Peng Lievil - add eshell toggle
2017-09-11 Peng Lire-construct evil config
2017-09-11 Peng Lievil-mode improvement. separate some special mode
2017-09-11 Peng Lievil improve
2017-09-10 Peng Liemacs - Add evil-state tag on mode line
2017-09-10 Peng Licommit to save all
2017-09-10 Peng LiEmacs - enable evil mode
2017-09-10 Peng LiAdd CI script
2017-09-10 Peng Liimprove
2017-09-10 Peng Liremove buffer id of special buffer when construct mode...
2017-09-10 Peng Liimprove face
2017-09-10 Peng Lifinished the name face of buffer
2017-09-09 Peng Litidy up some logic
2017-09-09 Peng Limode-line - basic feature finished
2017-09-09 Peng Limove modeline into new folder
2017-09-09 Peng LiEmacs - change lambda function in add-hook to apply...
2017-09-09 Peng Lidisable evil mode temporarily
2017-09-09 Peng Liemacs Revert some new mode-line change and revert evil...
2017-09-09 Peng Linew mode-line Fix not showing when minibuffer is active
2017-09-09 Peng Limode-line change file name
2017-09-09 Peng Liimprove face setting logic
2017-09-09 Peng Linew mode line theme - finish the face part
2017-09-08 Peng Liimprove function
2017-09-08 Peng Limy modle line theme
2017-09-08 Peng LiEmacs - add new mode line theme
2017-09-08 Peng Lihammerspoon - initial config
2017-09-08 Peng LiEmacs - Move evil into a separate file
2017-09-07 Peng LiEmacs - Add Evil mode and set the default state as...
2017-09-07 Peng Lichange org mode theme
2017-09-06 Peng LiEmacs - remove google-c-style for c file and add /usr...
2017-09-05 Peng LiEmacs - fix installation of irony completion
2017-09-05 Peng LiEmacs - Add compile for cpp mode
2017-08-08 Peng LiVim - update the tmux syntax file to fix error on new...
2017-08-08 Peng LiTmux - change status bg according to the platforms
2017-05-21 Peng LiRime - Add wubi86 schema customization. and correct...
2017-05-20 Peng Liemacs - fix org table not align when there is special...
2017-05-19 Peng Liemacs - turn auto fill mode
2017-05-18 Peng Liemacs - highlight current line mode, only highlight...
2017-05-17 Peng Liemacs - add mobileorg config
2017-05-17 Peng Liorg-mode face change
2017-05-13 Peng Liemacs - move functions to utilities file
2017-05-12 Peng Liremove unused file
2017-05-12 Peng Liemacs - Add new file to separate some utility functions
2017-05-12 Peng Liemacs - remove unused code
2017-05-12 Peng Liemacs - improve C-l to clear the eshell buffer
2017-05-09 Peng Likarabiner - map right_command to eacape
2017-05-09 Peng Lirime - fix the ascii mode switch
2017-05-09 Peng LiAdd configure of karabiner into the repo.
2017-05-08 Peng Lirime - change setting of ascii-mode switch
2017-05-08 Peng Liemacs - add font check before setting
2017-05-07 Peng LiMerge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
2017-05-06 Peng Lizshrc - fix installation issue
2017-05-06 debianzshrc - fix installation issue
2017-05-05 Peng Liemacs - fix install failure on mac
2017-04-24 Peng Lirime - disable wubi86, only keey wubi_pinyin
2017-04-24 Peng Livimperator - workaround for tab issue with tree style tab
2017-04-22 Peng Lizsh - Add alias for git
2017-04-22 Peng Litmux - add document to install dependency - fix macvim...
2017-04-22 Peng Liadd vimperator.vim
2017-04-18 Peng Limisc - add for rime config
2017-04-12 Peng Liemacs - remove org file template
2017-04-08 Peng Lizsh - add racket into path
2017-03-12 Peng Liemacs - change the magit commit summary
2017-03-11 Peng LiLoad publish
2017-03-11 Peng Liadd publish.el
2017-03-11 Peng Liemacs - add blog.el
2017-03-11 Peng Liemacs - add script to fetching dependencies file
2017-03-08 Peng Libin - fix an error
2017-03-08 Peng Libin - Add script to encrypt/decrypt file
2017-03-08 Peng Liadd .bin into PATH
2017-03-08 Peng LiRename scripts to bin
2017-03-05 Peng Liemacs - add yaml mode
2017-03-03 Peng Liemacs - fix install file bug
2017-03-01 Peng Liemacs - blog, disable inline-css for code block
2017-02-25 Peng Lizsh - fix issue in emacs tramp mode
2017-02-21 Peng Lizsh - fix path on different platform
2017-02-19 Peng Liemacs - remove unused code
2017-02-19 Peng Liemacs - fix issue on termianl, check the graphic mode.
2017-02-19 Peng Lizsh - fix submodules
2017-02-19 Peng Lizsh - fix log