2016-07-09 Peng Liemacs - ignore file
2016-07-09 Peng Lieamcs - change some binding behaviour
2016-07-09 Peng Liemacs - gnus thread and window layout
2016-07-09 Peng Liemacs - gnus group mappings
2016-07-09 Peng Liemacs - gnus group settings
2016-07-09 Peng Liemacs - gnus group buffer setting
2016-07-08 Peng Liemacs - gnus with gmail config
2016-07-08 Peng Livimrc - correct gui font setting
2016-07-08 Peng Liemacs - super mapping for text zoom
2016-07-05 Peng Liemacs - misc hydra
2016-07-04 Peng Liemacs - fix eshell alias
2016-07-03 Peng Liemacs - markdown plugin
2016-07-03 Peng Liemacs - add info+
2016-07-03 Peng Liemacs - dired mode keybindings
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - re-order head, move ido key-bindings before...
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - magit mapping
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - fix bug emacs here
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - eshell clear buffer
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - fix bug of sd/toggle-eshell-here default-directory
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - commit unused sd/eshell-here
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - fix bug sd/eshell-here
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - fix bug magit map setting should be after magit...
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - add sd/toggle-eshell-here function
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - change some keybindings
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - magit keybindings vi-like
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - change hydra setting
2016-07-02 Peng Liemacs - change org-bulltes list
2016-07-01 Peng Liemacs - continue previous commit
2016-07-01 Peng Liemacs - fix capture template
2016-06-30 Peng Liemacs - setting add log for todo task
2016-06-30 Peng Liemacs - disable backup
2016-06-30 Peng Livim - Fix keymapping conflict
2016-06-29 Peng Liemacs - change font as light
2016-06-28 Peng Liemacs - org-mode agenda view
2016-06-28 Peng Liemacs - agenda view show today's task by default
2016-06-28 Peng Liemacs - add ignore file bookmarks
2016-06-26 Peng Liemacs - orgmode refile config
2016-06-26 Peng Liemacs - org-mode capture templates
2016-06-26 Peng Liemacs - get thins done setting 1
2016-06-25 Peng Liemacs - mode line
2016-06-25 Peng Liemacs - Change the height of mode line
2016-06-25 Peng Liemacs - revise powerline mode
2016-06-25 Peng Liemacs - add mode-line-cleaner
2016-06-24 Peng LiRime - change firfox default English input
2016-06-24 Peng LiRime config - correct the custom config format
2016-06-24 Peng LiRime - set default input method
2016-06-24 Peng Litmux config - remove unsupported config in latest tmux
2016-06-24 Peng Liemacs - add ignore files
2016-06-24 Peng Liremove unused file out of git
2016-06-24 Peng Lifix air-line warning after migrating
2016-06-23 Peng LiRime config default input method for special applications
2016-06-23 Peng LiRime, set default input method
2016-06-23 Peng Liemacs - fix load custom file error
2016-06-23 Peng LiRime custom setting
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - improve the
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - add file
2016-06-22 Peng Lirename the new emacs config folder
2016-06-22 Peng Lirename old emacs folder
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - commit all stale emacs config
2016-06-22 Peng Liapplescript - for emacs & emacsclient, there is still...
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - ignore emms directory
2016-06-22 Peng Lizsh add perl environments variables
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - add ignore files
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - set custom.el file
2016-06-22 Peng Liemacs - commit all local change for migirate
2016-06-17 Peng Liemacs - company-statistics mode
2016-06-17 Peng Liemacs - rainbow-delimiters package to color parentheses
2016-06-15 Peng Liemacs - eshell-here
2016-06-14 Peng Liemacs - eshell and occur config
2016-06-14 Peng Liemacs - add change ideo-exit-target
2016-06-14 Peng Liemacs - add latex pdf beamer support
2016-06-11 Peng Liemacs - change super key
2016-06-11 Peng Liemacs - ido-exit-target to open buffer on other window
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - mapping isearch
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - gnugo support
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - emms load history when started
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - fix startup error caused by emms settings
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - emms add ape file support
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - config emms with mplayer
2016-06-10 Peng Liemacs - define super key for file, buffer and windows
2016-06-09 Peng Liemacs - ido-ubiquitous for ido everywhere
2016-06-09 Peng Liemacs - help windows setting, switch focus to help...
2016-06-09 Peng Liemacs - enable worf [ mapping
2016-06-08 Peng Liemacs - projectile, persp-peojectile, lispy mode change
2016-06-07 Peng Liemacs - company mode
2016-06-07 Peng Liemacs - add lispy mode
2016-06-06 Peng Liemacs - add hydry windows
2016-06-06 Peng Liemacs - add auto-insert for c/c++ and perl mode
2016-06-06 Peng Liemacs : add perl hook, compilation and compile config
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs - cperl mode
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs - add el-get package management
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs - cperl-mode
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs - add ace-link mode, 2) change some defaults...
2016-06-04 Peng Liadd ignore file
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs, delete elpa directory from git repo
2016-06-04 Peng Liadd gitigonre file
2016-06-04 Peng Liemacs, delete config.el in git repo
2016-06-02 Peng Liemacs - enable fontify natively by update org-mode
2016-06-01 Peng Liemacs : add worf-mode for org-mode
2016-06-01 Peng Liemacs - color theme change for org-mode