#+TITLE: Note of Linux (Debian) #+AUTHOR: Peng Li #+EMAIL: seudut@gmail.com #+DATE: 2016-12-23 * Install and Environment ** Install ios in virtual box ** install essential softwares *** Change the sourece.list 163 mirrors #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE deb http://mirrors.163.com/debian stable main non-free contrib deb-src http://mirrors.163.com/debian stable main non-free contrib #+END_EXAMPLE *** Install essential packages - ~netselect-apt~ Find the fastest apt mirror server - vim - sudo Add user to sudo group or change the =/etc/sudoers= to use =sudo= command #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output replace sudo adduser sudo #+END_SRC - git, openssh-server, emacs, build-essential, tmux, zsh *** Build Emacs from source 1. gnutls error, to fix, install =gnutls-dev= and =pkg-config= * Issue 1. See the router table on mac #+BEGIN_SRC sh :results output replace netstat -nr #+END_SRC