-- Sample Hello World hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "W", function() hs.notify.new({title="Hammerspoon", informativeText="Hello World"}):send() -- hs.alert.show("Hello World!") end) -- Reload configuration hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "R", function() hs.reload() end) hs.alert.show("Config loaded") -- Sample - Drawing on the screen - http://www.hammerspoon.org/go/#simplereload mouseCircle = nil mouseCircleTimer = nil function mouseHighlight() -- Delete an existing highlight if it exists if mouseCircle then mouseCircle:delete() if mouseCircleTimer then mouseCircleTimer:stop() end end -- Get the current co-ordinates of the mouse pointer mousepoint = hs.mouse.getAbsolutePosition() -- Prepare a big red circle around the mouse pointer mouseCircle = hs.drawing.circle(hs.geometry.rect(mousepoint.x-40, mousepoint.y-40, 80, 80)) mouseCircle:setStrokeColor({["red"]=1,["blue"]=0,["green"]=0,["alpha"]=1}) mouseCircle:setFill(false) mouseCircle:setStrokeWidth(5) mouseCircle:show() -- Set a timer to delete the circle after 3 seconds mouseCircleTimer = hs.timer.doAfter(3, function() mouseCircle:delete() end) end hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd","alt","shift"}, "D", mouseHighlight) -- window movement hs.hotkey.bind({"cmd", "alt", "ctrl"}, "H", function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local f = win:frame() f.x = f.x - 10 win:setFrame(f) end) ------ multi-window layout --local laptopScreen = "Color LCD" --local windowLayout = { -- {"Safari", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.left50, nil, nil}, -- {"Mail", nil, laptopScreen, hs.layout.right50, nil, nil}, -- {"iTunes", "iTunes", laptopScreen, hs.layout.maximized, nil, nil}, -- {"iTunes", "MiniPlayer", laptopScreen, nil, nil, hs.geometry.rect(0, -48, 400, 48)}, --} --hs.layout.apply(windowLayout) ---- Creating a simple menubar item --caffeine = hs.menubar.new() --function setCaffeineDisplay(state) -- if state then -- caffeine:setTitle("AWAKE") -- else -- caffeine:setTitle("SLEEPY") -- end --end -- --function caffeineClicked() -- setCaffeineDisplay(hs.caffeinate.toggle("displayIdle")) --end -- --if caffeine then -- caffeine:setClickCallback(caffeineClicked) -- setCaffeineDisplay(hs.caffeinate.get("displayIdle")) --end -- Reacting to application events -- wheny active the Finder applications, all of its windows -- will be brought to the front of the display. function applicationWatcher(appName, eventType, appObject) if (eventType == hs.application.watcher.activated) then if (appName == "Finder") then -- Bring all Finder windows forward when one gets activated appObject:selectMenuItem({"Window", "Bring All to Front"}) end end end appWatcher = hs.application.watcher.new(applicationWatcher) appWatcher:start() -- -- Window Movement -- https://andrich.blog/2016/11/20/hammerspoon-an-awesome-tool-to-automate-your-mac/ -- CTRL + ALT + Left - Move current window to the left half of the screen. -- CTRL + ALT + Right - Move current window to the right half of the screen. -- CTRL + ALT + Up - Go "fullscreen". -- CTRL + ALT + Down - Center window, covering 2/3 of screen size. -- function move_window(direction) return function() local win = hs.window.focusedWindow() local app = win:application() local app_name = app:name() local f = win:frame() local screen = win:screen() local max = screen:frame() if direction == "left" then f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w / 2 f.h = max.h elseif direction == "right" then f.x = max.x + (max.w / 2) f.y = max.y f.w = max.w / 2 f.h = max.h elseif direction == "up" then f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 elseif direction == "down" then f.x = max.x f.y = max.y + (max.h / 2) f.w = max.w f.h = max.h / 2 elseif direction == "max" then f.x = max.x f.y = max.y f.w = max.w f.h = max.h elseif direction == "center" then f.x = max.x + (max.w / 6) f.y = max.y + (max.h / 6) f.w = max.w * 2 / 3 f.h = max.h * 2 / 3 else hs.alert.show("move_window(): Freaky parameter received " .. direction) end win:setFrame(f, 0) end end local hyper = {"ctrl", "alt"} hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "h", move_window("left")) hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "l", move_window("right")) hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "k", move_window("up")) hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "j", move_window("down")) hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "m", move_window("max")) hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, "c", move_window("center"))