finished the name face of buffer
[dotfiles.git] / emacs.d_old / .gitignore
1 .*
2 elpa/*
3 games/*
4 test/*
5 vendor/*
6 el-get/*
7 auto-save-list/*
8 ido.*
9 smex-items
10 ac-comphist.dat
11 \#init.el\#
12 url/*
13 recentf
14 projectile-bookmarks.eld
15 config/init-my-theme-2.el
16 config/my-color-theme.el
17 \#*
18 temp/*
19 history
20 irony/*
21 projectile.cache
22 site-lisp/*
23 Emacs-PDE*
24 helm-adaptive-history
26 custom.el